Saturday, October 29, 2016
Sweet 16 Letter 10-24-16
Stop time stop, can't process flying, stop time stop, time time time, stop please recalculating...stop time stop, stop stop time, malfunction!
Before you get worried that I'm seizing as I write or something, the paragraph above is to illustrate how unable I am to process the fact that TODAY I have 16 months in the mission...WHAAAAT?
This week was a great one! Our zone has been working really hard to step it up into high gear. We've been putting really high goals to push us. I'm so proud of the missionaries here because they've all been working so hard!
Our investigator, Felizardo, is doing really well! He's been working so hard to change some problems he's had and we've seen help that can only come from the Lord. He's getting ready to be baptized this Friday so keep him in your prayers, please!
Another investigator, Gustavo, came to church with his wife (who we'll start teaching this week). He's got a baptismal date too, for November.
We've had several other investigators doing well but haven't come to church yet. Please pray for Irasema, Leonor, Ana, y Ivana.
Have a wonderful week!!!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Sister Trainer Letter from President Robinson 10-14-16
Dear Brother & Sister
It is a pleasure to
communicate with you, and tell the great work that Sister Hauck is doing in
Mexico Hermosillo Mission. She is now serving as Trainer Leader of the Sisters.
It is a great responsibility, a sign of confidence that the Lord has in her.
She will have a great influence on the lives of the sisters, giving an example
of obedience, including accurate and effective proselytizing. This experience
will serve her in these 18 months and throughout her life. We hope you
continue writing letters and through your letters give encouragement so she can
continue working with your support and love. We thank you for the example you
have given to your daughter, may the Lord bless you in your efforts to continue
supporting her. You can contact us with any questions you have.
President & Sister
Missionarying in Caborca & Hermosillo Letter 10-17-16
Hi all! Things are still wonderful here in Caborca. Hna Payne and I are working hard and having lots of fun. EVERYONE thinks we`re sisters here. Sometimes we go along with it and let people believe it. We really don't look thaaaat much alike... but I guess to the grand people of Sonora we do.
This week was a crazy one!!! We had two trips to Hermosillo (a WHOLE lot of time in a bus if you ask me), first for a meeting with President Robinson on Tuesday then to go to the temple on Saturday.
I got permission to go to the temple because a couple that I taught, Alicia and Mario, were endowed and sealed! It was an amazing experience because I had never seen a sealing before. There were many other missionaries that went too so I got to see some old companions including Hna Pelico and my daughter (trainee) Hna Balboa! I was so, so SO excited to see them both:)
It was also great seeing this couple because they were like my second parents when I was in Guaymas. It was one of those special moments being in the temple with them because I could see how much they have progressed and how their testimonies have grown.
Not to keep going on about this, but it was also amazing to go to the temple in light of Grandmas Hirschi`s death. It sort of gave me the closure I needed being inside the House of the Lord and thinking of how He has made possible that families can be forever. I love going to the temple!!!
We weren`t able to work as much as we would have liked this week because of the many hours we spent in Hermosillo, but I`ll fill you in more on one of our progressing investigators.
I`m pretty sure I mentioned Felizardo last week. He`s an investigator we inherited from Peñasco. He`s been doing really well with his commitments and we were able to move his baptismal date up to the 29th of October. He`s a kind of funny guy, but is really sincere with his desire to follow God`s will.
Have a great week!!!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
This week was a crazy one!!! We had two trips to Hermosillo (a WHOLE lot of time in a bus if you ask me), first for a meeting with President Robinson on Tuesday then to go to the temple on Saturday.
I got permission to go to the temple because a couple that I taught, Alicia and Mario, were endowed and sealed! It was an amazing experience because I had never seen a sealing before. There were many other missionaries that went too so I got to see some old companions including Hna Pelico and my daughter (trainee) Hna Balboa! I was so, so SO excited to see them both:)
It was also great seeing this couple because they were like my second parents when I was in Guaymas. It was one of those special moments being in the temple with them because I could see how much they have progressed and how their testimonies have grown.
Not to keep going on about this, but it was also amazing to go to the temple in light of Grandmas Hirschi`s death. It sort of gave me the closure I needed being inside the House of the Lord and thinking of how He has made possible that families can be forever. I love going to the temple!!!
We weren`t able to work as much as we would have liked this week because of the many hours we spent in Hermosillo, but I`ll fill you in more on one of our progressing investigators.
I`m pretty sure I mentioned Felizardo last week. He`s an investigator we inherited from Peñasco. He`s been doing really well with his commitments and we were able to move his baptismal date up to the 29th of October. He`s a kind of funny guy, but is really sincere with his desire to follow God`s will.
Have a great week!!!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
Monday, October 10, 2016
Bitter-Sweet Week Letter 10-10-16
Life with the Payne |
Goal presentation with Zona Caborca |
Skype Call with Mom and Dad |
Hi family!
This week was a bitter sweet one. As you know from last week, I am now companions with one of my best friends from the mission, Hna Payne. This to me completely proved to be revelation because my first week with her one of the dearest ladies in my life, my Grandma Hirschi, passed away. It`s somewhat hard for me to write about this right now so I`ll be brief. But I want you all to know that I`ve received comfort from my companion, my mission president and from Mom and Dad (Pres let me call them on Thursday). I`ve also received lots of comfort and strength from the Holy Ghost.
I want you to know that I have a testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I teach every day that thanks to our Savior, Jesus Christ, we will all live again and will be able to live with our families eternally according to our obedience to His commandments. This week was a chance for me to ask myself `I know it, but do I believe it?`. I am so happy to tell you all: Yes, I do believe it. I really do believe that Grandma Hirschi is awaiting in the Spirit Paradise and will reunite with her body in the resurrection. We will see her again. I believe and have faith in Christ and His Atonement. That was the only way possible to break the bands of death and sin for all humankind. It wasn`t extremely difficult but He `drank the bitter cup` because He loves us. How amazing!!!!
As far as the work goes here in Caborca, it`s been fun opening area.... again! BTW this is my 5th time opening an area in the mission. Not sure what`s going on there, but I`m not complaining. It`s a lot of work but is really a great experience every time I`ve done it.
We have one progressing investigator right now, who`s name is Felizardo, but we call him Feliz. He`s come to church with us once and has the goal to be baptized by the end of October. I'll keep you updated on him.
Caborca is quite different from my area in Peñasco. Here it is very dry and dusty. And I`m pretty sure we are in the rich part of the city because the houses are huge! Hna Payne and I are getting along fabulously, of course. We have way too much fun! She`ll get home next March and you will all meet her because she`s moving into our house. :)
I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Transfer of Dreams Letter 10-3-16
Bye Hermana Camacho |
Adios Penasco |
Adios Penasco |
Penasco Family |
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Pink Cupcakes |
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Penasco Zone |
(ring ring)
PAYNE: Bueno?
HAUCK: Hola.. quien habla? (Hi, who´s speaking?)
PAYNE: Hna Payne... quien habla?
HAUCK: Soy Hna Hauck
As you can see we are both very excited. :)
We will be working as capacitadoras (Sister Training Leaders) here in Caborca. Basically we just help out the other sisters, have exchanges and have meetings with President, but I´m really excited to be given this opportunity to serve the missionaries here along with the people.
I don´t have much time because my COMP<3 will be arriving here soon and I´m going to pick her up so I´m just briefly going to write about conference.
First off, favorite part of conference for me was when I saw Sarah (aka sister Wykstra) in the MTC choir in the last number! I was searching the missionaries in each number and had to hold back my (THAT´S MY COUSIN!!!) when I finally saw her.
I haven´t been able to choose a favorite talk yet.. I´m going to have to read them all again. But I really enjoyed the talks by W. Mark Bassett, Linda S. Reeves, Dale G. Renlund and Russell M. Nelson. Also, it was amazing as always to hear from our beloved Prophet Presdient Monson. I loved all of the talks of course, these are just the ones that stand out most clearly in my mind right now. I noticed a theme of repentance. I loved what Sister Reeves said about Satan's tactic of making hiding a sin to protect other seem more noble than confession. I also loved the little story in Elder Bassett's talk about worrying to open the information that wasn't available in place of searching and treasuring the plain and precious information that we do have.
Well that´s about all I got this week. I´ll have much more to tell in this next week!!!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
Drum Roll Please...Letter 9-26-16
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Ivonne |
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Ivonne |
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Hermanas Comacho & Hauck with Three Converts |
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Kenia |
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Irlanda and Her Family |
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Irlanda |
I am SO happy to tell you all that Irlanda, Kenia and Ivonne were baptized Saturday after the General Women´s Conference. It was a bit crazy this week leading up to Saturday because everything that we had to do to get ready for the baptisms got put back because I came down with bronchitis. Thankfully we had some members that could help us get everything done. And my super hero companion did a ton too! All was worth it because the baptism was perfect!!!
I can´t even express how strong the Spirit was in the baptism. Our three investigators in white brought tears to my eyes and will be a special memory for the rest of my life!! I couldn't stop smiling and hugging everyone as their families and friends and other members of our branch arrived for the service.
Irlanda was baptized by her dad, whom we recently reactivated. It was really special for us and their whole family (quadruplets and all) because they want to prepare to be sealed in the temple this winter. Irlanda is a gem and practically like my little sister :) After the ordinance she changed into this absolutely adorable fluffy white princess dress.
Ivonne is the second from her family to be baptized. Her grandma, Alma, is actually a convert of my old companion, Hna Mendoza. She was baptized in January. Now the 2 of them are getting names ready to take to the temple for baptisms. Ivonne wants us to send missionaries to her mom who lives in Mexicali.
Kenia has set a really great example for her family. Her husband came to church on Sunday to see her be confirmed and we´re going to start teaching him. Her little boys love primary:) and she is already getting involved in programs of the church.
I am so grateful that the Lord let me play a part in the conversion of these hermanas. This was a miracle!!!! I as a missionary didn't do much to be honest. It really all is the Lord. If we are obedient and submit ourselves to His will He can make us instruments in His hands. Irlanda, Kenia and Ivonne were part of the ¨white and already to harvest¨ group. As my companion and I worked hard and made the sacrifices that the Lord asked of us He let us see the miracle of the harvest.
I´m not sure what´s happened with the ponderizing scriptures lately... so I´m going to pick it for this week. I read this in personal studies Sunday morning after the baptism and it expresses my thoughts perfectly.
¨I know that which the Lord commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory in myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance, and this is my joy¨. Alma 29:9
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
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