My Guaymas Hermanas |
My Apartment |
Kisses Goodbye |
Mi Hijita
Apologies for being so late. I have
just experienced one of the craziest weekends of my mission.
So it all started Friday. One of the
converts of Hna Mendoza was going to do baptisms in the temple for the first
time and invited us. We got permission from President to go with her the
following day. After watching her convert do baptisms for her grandparents, we
got to enter a session. Then afterwards we left and we found some of the Elders
that work in the mission offices and persuaded them to spill the beans on our
transfers. The news came that Hna Mendoza would stay in Guaymas and I would be
coming to Hermosillo again to open area and.... TO TRAIN!!!
I was immediately excited because we
haven´t had hardly any new hermanas coming to the mission so I was thinking I
might never train. I found out that there were only two new coming hermanas and
the other missionary that would be training was going to be my MTC comp, Hna
Ylst! It was crazy packing because our neighborhood didn´t have water the whole
weekend so I couldn´t wash my clothes but with the help from some members I
managed to get everything done in time.
It was pretty sad to say goodbye to
the people of Guaymas, especially Miriam, Alicia and Mario. But I´ve been super
excited to come back to Hermosillo and to welcome a new missionary!!
I got to the mission offices Monday
morning and Hna Ylst and one of the greenies were there (Hna Ruiz from
Ecuador). We had a small training meeting then President assigned Hns Ylst to
the hermana that was already there and told me that my companion, Hna Balboa,
was coming from the Provo MTC and we would pick her up later that day.
We went to welcome her at the
airport, but she didn´t arrive after waiting for an hour. President then found
out that the offices had received an email telling us that her flight ticket
was cancelled and she was still in LA. So I ended up staying with another
companionship here in Hermosillo for the night and this morning. I basically
had to live off of what I had because my suitcase and ALL OF MY BELONGINGS were
in the offices. President took me to the airport again today where we welcomed
one of his daughters and her family (who have come to visit) and my new
companion. We´re in our new area now and we´re going to have to work really
hard to get things going here quickly. But I´m really excited for this
My companion is DARLING!! Her name is
Hna Balboa (but sadly her first name´s not Rocky) and she´s from Hawaii. Well,
her Dad is in the military so they´ve lived all over really but right now they
live in Hawaii. Her dad is from Mexico and her mom from Venezuela so she
already speaks Spanish:) AND GUESS WHAT?!?!? Her sister is a missionary in St.
George! You HAVE to find her. She´s in the temple right now and her name is
Sister Balboa too. Say hi from us and that I´m going to do my best to take care
of her little sister. I am really excited to have this time with her and I just
hope that it will be a good experience for the both of us.
One thing that was really cool is
that Hna Robinson told me while they were assigning the companions yesterday;
they were about to put me with the other sister. But then they said a prayer
and read the description of Hna Balboa and the Spirit was ¨ strong and very
clear¨ in telling them that she and I should be companions. And so that´s what
they chose.
Did I already tell you that I´m
excited for this transfer?!
Okay that´s about all I´ve got time
for. I love you all so much!
Con amor,
Hermana Hauck
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